As new risks and threats emerge, military forces are calling for higher levels of situational awareness. The ability to detect moving objects, monitor their activities and disseminate the information fast to the right sources is critical to ISR operations. Kestrel Land MTI is a software solution that automatically detects movement in electrooptical (EO) and infrared (IR) full motion video (FMV) from manned and unmanned aerial vehicles.
The software enhances airborne ISR missions by:
- Automatic detecting and cueing of small moving objects such as vehicles or dismounts
- Enabling wide area surveillance
- Reducing operator fatigue through reliable detection over long missions.
Proven in theatre and with a wide range of air platforms, Kestrel Land MTI is plug and play software at TRL 9.
Kestrel-LAND.pdf 2 MB

Maritime aerial surveillance is challenging. Long missions and environmental conditions such as white caps, clouds and sun glare have an impact on the probability of visual detections by human operators, and thus the success of maritime patrol and Search & Rescue (SAR) operations. Kestrel Maritime is a software solution that automatically detects small Objects in EO/IR full motion video (FMV) from manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. Optimized for the maritime environment – processing every pixel, every frame, hour after hour – Kestrel Maritime assists operators by:
- Reliably detecting small objects such as fishing vessels, pirate boats and peopleoverboard.
- Providing visual and audio cues to counter operator fatigue over long missions.
- Automatically transforming maritime FMV into actionable object data.
Proven on a wide range of air platforms, Kestrel Maritime is an off-the-shelf application that complements radar to provide a reliable, all-encompassing maritime surveillance solution.
Kestrel-MARITIME.pdf 1 MB